Brief Introduction to Project Management Unit

The Project Management Unit (PMU) at NIEPA came into being on 2nd February 2014 with the broad agenda of supporting and managing in-house and sponsored research. Specifically, the PMU has the following responsibilities:

(i) Managing all activities of various projects undertaken in the University right from starting the project to its conclusion;
(ii) Handling all matters concerning the funding as well as accounting of these projects; and
(iii) Recruitment and appointment of staff of all the projects.

Accordingly, the PMU provides administrative support for managing various projects undertaken in the University, including facilitating the project approval process, monitoring progress in project implementation and providing related support services. It handles all matters concerning funding as well as accounting of expenditures of all in-house and NIEPA sponsored projects; also matters relating to project recruitment and appointment. The PMU staff includes the Unit Head, who is nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, and five other academic and support staff including a Project Consultant, a Project Manager and a Junior Consultant.

Apart from above activities, PMU also manages the work related to providing financial assistance to various non-profit making organizations, autonomous bodies, NGOs, University Departments etc. under Grants-in-Aid Scheme, as per the Govt. of India Guidelines on the subject matter. Before 2007, this scheme was being handled by the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India.

Presently, the PMU is headed by Prof. K. Srinivas, Head ICT. For further information, please contact the Head, PMU at pmu[at]niepa[dot]ac[dot]in.