Prof. Mona Khare
Professor & Head
Department of Educational Finance, NIEPA
Specialization: Regional Planning and Economic Growth

Dr. Mona Khare is Professor & Head , Department of Educational Finance and Director of University Grants Commission – MMTTC at National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi, India. Member 15th Finance Commission for Education sector funds estimation, Govt. of India. Consultant and expert with various international forums like UNESCO, UNICEF,Asian Productivity Organisation, British Council, Commonwealth, SAARC, World Bank and Govt. bodies. She was member of the Commonwealth Education Ministers Drafting Committee of post secondary forum for SDGs and Member signatory to the Declaration of Research between India and Germany. Invited speaker and Policy Analyst across the world. Technical Expert for Child Budget Committee, Gender Budgeting, Govt. of Karnataka among many others.Twice been conferred with the ‘Young Economist Award’ by the Indian Economic Association and awarded by Madhya Pradesh Govt. for their Distance Education Programme (EDUSAT).

She has many publications to her credit being author, reviewer and editor for renowned publishers like Routledge, Emerald, Springers, Sage, Cambridge, Oxford etc. Her latest book on “Sustainable and Dynamic Graduate Employability:A comparative overview across geographies” is being published by Routledge.She is co-author of The INDIA HIGHER EDUCATION REPORT 2020 on Employment and Employability.

Fellow, International Congress of Environmental Research, Editorial Board of the Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, Former Vice President of M.P. Economic Association and Former Associate editor of the Indian Economic journal. She holds advisory position in different committees of Universities and colleges, acts as advisor UPSC and as resource person in training programmes for Central , State Govt. Officers, banking and teaching professionals across the country and abroad. She has organized innumerable academic programmes, supervised about 15 doctoral (Ph.D) and more than 50 M.Phil dissertations. Her current areas of research include employability skills of educated youth, Financing of Education, educational internationalization and regional and spatial disparities in educational development