Dr. Mona Sedwal
Assistant Professor
Department of Training and professional Development in Education
Specialization: History of Education, Teacher Education, Vocational Education, Education Policy, Educational Technology in Blended Learning, Persons with Disabilities and Socially Disadvantaged Groups.

Dr. Mona Sedwal has a Ph.D. (History of Education) is awarded from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She had worked on various projects entitled Education for All: Year 2000 Assessment, National Evaluation of Operation Blackboard, EFA Follow Up Activities, Policy Research for Monitoring and Dissemination of EFA Goals in South Asia, Consortium for Research on Educational Access, Transition and Equity – University of Sussex, Education for All - Mid Decade Assessment in India sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD), UNESCO and UNICEF. She has also worked as a Consultant at UNESCO, New Delhi and taught at various Colleges in Department of Elementary Education, University of Delhi.

She has worked extensively in the area of Education for All (EFA) and has contributed in the publication of two books published by Oxford University Press entitled India Education Report, A Profile of Basic Education in India, edited by R. Govinda, 2002 and India Education Report, Progress of Basic Education, edited by R. Govinda and Mona Sedwal, 2017. She was associated in the preparation of Country Report entitled ‘India’ published in 2000 and 2007. She was also associated in the preparation of a synthesis document entitled Different Approaches for Achieving EFA: Indian Experience published jointly by UNESCO, New Delhi and National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, 2003. She played a significant role in the publication of state reports and thematic papers for the National Evaluation of Operation Blackboard in 2007. She has authored two books in history of education entitled Genesis and Growth of University Education in India and Development of University Education. She has authored and co-authored several articles related to history of education, teacher education and disadvantaged groups. She has co-authored Practical Tips for Teaching Multigrade Classes for the series on Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments Specialized Booklet 4 published by UNESCO Bangkok, 2013.