Prof. Neeru Snehi
Professor & Head (I/C)
Department of Traning and Professional Development in Education
Specialization: Higher education, Governance and Management of Higher Education, Internationalisation, Science Education, Teacher Education

Dr. Neeru Snehi is a Professor & Head (I/C) in Department of Traning and Professional Development in Education at National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, India. Educated at the University of Delhi, New Delhi (Masters in Education and Masters in Chemistry) and Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi (Ph.D.) in Education. She has received training on educational planning and management from International Institute of Educational Planning (IIEP), Paris and attended IFE 2020 Shanghai Leadership Institute, East-West Center (EWC) Hawaii. She is engaged in educational research, teaching, guidance and training activities of the Institute. Her research interests lie in governance of higher education, internationalization- student and faculty mobility, teaching-learning in higher education. Her current research focuses on governance mechanisms and challenges in undergraduate education institutions.She She has presented and published several articles in the areas of higher education, school education and science education.