

(As on April 2021)

Sr. Name of the Document Sr. Name of the Document Sr. Name of the Document Sr. Name of the Document Sr. Name of the Document
Journals Ocassional Papers News Letter Annual Reports NIEPA Transformational Journey
Folders and Flyers Calenders of Training Programmes Un-Priced Publications Publications Catalagoue Programme Announcements / Broucher
NCSL CREATE CPRHE Modules NIEPA Faculty Profile
Compendium of Research Publications and Training Activities 2006-2016 Innovations in Educational Administration NIEPA Perspective Plan 2020-2030 Guidelines for NIEPA Publications - 2020 Notifications, Approvals and Schedule Rates Related to NIEPA Publications
Lectures and Speeches

The National Institute of Education Research Planning and Administration,New Delhi,has its own publishing programme since its inception and in the year 1981-82. The Publication unit was formally established in it to cater the printing and publishing needs of the NIEPA (formerly NUEPA).in furtherance of fullfilling the objectives of the national institute, it Publishes Ocassional papers, Journals/Periodicals Newsletters Books, Reports, Lectures, Prospectus of M.Phil, Ph.d Programmes and Curicullum Guide, Calender of Training programmes, material publishing related to various Training Programmes, and also material for National and International Diploma in Education planning and Administration,etc.

NIEPA publications play a vital role in the Institute's commitment to disseminating the concepts methods and techniques in the field of education planning, administration and management and disseminates the outcomes of research and development in education to the wider public.

The publication unit of Niepa has also collaborated with many institutions/organizations and brought out co-publications:

1. collobrated with the (UNESCO) Paris,and brought out the translated versions of Prestigious  publications,i.e.,EFA Global Monitring report and Summary reports,in Hindi Language

2.  NIEPA as ANTRIEP Focal Point collobrated with European Union brought out a monograph on Role of Head Teachers in School Manadgement in India -Case Studies from six states

3.  NIEPA also brought out a set of ANTRIEP Modules along with Synthesis Report on Secondary Education in collobration with UNESCO-IIEP(Paris).

4.  Under NIEPA- NEPAL project (an International Consultancy, The Report of the tailor- made course in 'Management and Planning for Capacity Building'  of the NCED,Government Of Nepal was Published by Nuepa.

5.  Another set of Reports under the project 'Create ' for Centre for International Education ,University of Sussex,UK, were brought out as co-publication,as research monographs.

6.    A set of Reports on EFA-Mid Decade Assesment-Reaching the Unreached (India,Country Report,Nine Thematic Reports and Twenty Seven State Reports)

7.  Another set of Reports under the project 'Create ' for Centre for International Education ,University of Sussex,UK, were brought out as co-publication,as research monographs.

8.   A  set of  Reports on EFA Mid-Decade-Assesment  reaching the unreached  (India Country Report,Nine Thematic Reports and Twenty Seven State Reports) were also brought in collabration with MHRD.

9.    Further ,The Reports Elementary Education in India are also brought out by NUEPA every year under DISE Project in Collobration with the Ministry of Human Resource Development,Government of India.