Mahesh Chandra Pant
Experience and Areas of Expertise:-Shri Mahesh Chandra Pant holds a Masters’ degree in Physics and Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration. He has held several high profile positions and contributed substantially to the educational reforms in India.

As the Chairman of the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), he took significant steps to put the open schooling system in India on a sound pedestal.
As Director of Education in U.P. and Uttaranchal he made substantial changes in the administration and management of School Education in these two States.
As Chairman of the Basic Shiksha Parishad, he initiated steps to develop new curriculum for the primary schools.
Prepared and implemented the District Educational Plans and submitted proposals for state sector allocation in education to the state government. The minute details of plan process commencing from collection of data and identifying local specific needs to meet the long, medium and short term goals were taken into account. Among other things, these included the availability and allocation of resources and time, planning for successful implementation of different action plans to achieve the required goals.
Worked as Educational Planner and Administrator at District Level in the capacity of Basic Shiksha Adhikari as well as District Inspector of Schools.
Acquired profound knowledge of question paper setting, evaluation and different related areas of learning. The experience gained was used while working as an educational administrator and as a Principal of Intermediate College in remote area of Nainital District.
Introduction of Innovative scheme “Rajeev Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya” to identify talented children from remote and rural areas of state of Uttaranchal and provided the Residential quality schooling facilities to them.
The rich experience acquired in teaching, school administration, preparation of institutional plans, development of curriculum and instructional materials, and monitoring and supervision of educational programmes was reinforced while working as the Director of Education in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal. More Info...