Vision: All education documents in one place in soft version -- this is the purpose of the Digital Repository of Education Documents being developed and housed in NUEPA. This digital archives/repository provides access to all education documents under one roof, so that no researcher, policy planner and policy analyst needs to go anywhere else. Profile: The digital archives would be a major source for reference and research on all aspects,sectors and levels of education system since independence .it would be an authentic source of indormation based for formulation Technology: The digital archive uses latest ICT for design (including high- end fully automatic digital scanner),storage and retrieval of digital documents .Digital Repository Manadgement Software --Dspace--- is being used with multiple search options like author, title,subject,keywords,place,year,etc. Access: The documents in the digital archives will be accesible to all users through the intranet at NUEPA.All users will be able to get a feel of the range and the variety of the documents in the digital archives as well as get access to the full regestring themselves. Roadmap: The digital archives aims to generate a Community of Users as a extended face of NUEPA.The digital archives would have provisions for periodic interactions with the Registered Users for feedback and suggestions for its further development. |